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Nikki, Carmella, and Angelina eagerly pore over the yellowed pages of the ancient text, their eyes flickering with excitement and curiosity as they uncover the secret history of their lineage. The ornate calligraphy dances across the page, illuminated by the flickering light of candles. Nikki, Carmella, and Angelina eagerly pore over the ancient text, their eyes wide with curiosity as they read the intriguing story of their descendants. The pages are old and yellowed, the words written in elegant calligraphy with hints of gold ink. Nikki, Carmella, and Angelina’s eyes widen as they read the ancient text, their gazes moving from the aged parchment to each other in disbelief. The words appear faded and smudged, but their importance is clear. The walls of the castle seem to melt away as they immerse themselves in the story, imagining the scenes unfolding before their eyes.

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